We assume that you have been tested positively for the presence of Helicobacter Pylori bacterial infection somewhere in your digestive tract and you now wish to eradicate this bacteria by a 30 days treatment of Matula Herbal Tea.

- When making the tea , pour 150 – 200ml ( 4 – 7 fluid oz ) of boiling water in a cup with a bag of Matula Tea , try and steep it for 15 – 20 minutes – too try and get the strongest mixture from the tea bag . With each sip , swirl the tea around your mouth a bit before swallowing . A large percentage of H. Pylori may be found in the mouth and dental spaces.
- Take a cup of tea in the morning and take a cup of tea in the late afternoon/evening .
- Do not use a microwave oven to boil the water for the tea or to reheat the tea .
- Do not take any liquids , probiotics , supplements , vitamins or food for an hour either side of taking the tea .
- Do not take any antibiotics or vaccines while on the course of tea as this affects the efficacy of the tea . If you have had either or both do not start taking the tea until at least 14 days have passed .
- Start taking a probiotic at the beginning of week two of your course of tea . If you are already taking a probiotic , then continue taking it .
- Use a new toothbrush .
- Please be careful to wash vegetables and fruit thoroughly before eating .
- You can if you wish take two used tea bags and make a third cup ( which would be slightly weaker) and take it in the middle of the day.
- Depending on your H. Pylori count you may have a few side-effects from H. Pylori die-off . These may differ from person to person . These may be such as constipation , diarrhoea , loose stools , fatigue , red skin , red skin spots , dilated pupils , sensitivity in the mouth , headaches , insomnia , sore or burning throat , coughing , burping , anxiousness , nausea , stomach pain and burning , heartburn , vomiting or aches and bloating .
- If the side effects become overwhelming , stop the tea for three to four days and then resume taking the tea .
- It may take 2-8 weeks and in severe cases sometimes longer for the H. Pylori to be flushed from the body , that is why it is important to remember to wait 30-45 days to be retested after completing the course of tea . A HPSA or GI Map test cannot determine the difference between dead, dying and live H. Pylori . An earlier test may give you a false positive or a false negative .
By Matula Tea| November 14th, 2016