
Different Types of Ulcers Explained

Most ulcers are named after the location where they are found with one exception , the peptic ulcer which may be found in the oesophagus , stomach or duodenum.

A break in the stomach lining that allows acid and digestive juices to damage the tissues beneath the lining.A narcotic lesion characterised by a crater like erosion of the stomach and duodenal wall.A small hole or an erosion in the lining of the oesophagus , stomach and duodenum.

Since 2006 Matula Tea has been extensively tested “in vitro” by a leading laboratory, the efficacy has been proven by over 15 000 customers with a success rate of 98% in the eradication of H. Pylori in the digestive system.

Take only 2 cups per day for 30 days.

It is a distinct breach in the mucosal lining of the stomach or the first part of the duodenum as a result of caustic effects of acid and pepsin ( an enzyme that degrades the food proteins in the stomach ) in the digestive cavity. In some cases there will be no symptoms. However a common symptom a gnawing or burning pain in the abdomen just below the breastbone which may extend to the back . It can appear an hour or two after eating and it may come and go for periods of days or weeks. At night when the stomach is empty the pain might be worse.

Symptoms of a Peptic Ulcer

  • Frequent or infrequent burping
  • Heartburn – also named acid reflux or GERD . When the acid in the stomach is too weak , the digestion of food becomes difficult and food stays in the stomach for longer periods. This may produce gases which may cause a burning sensation in the throat and stomach.
  • Vomiting blood or feeling sick
  • Poor appetite
  • Bad breath – caused by H.pylori which when present in the stomach creates ammonia resulting in bad breath.

Lesser common symptoms

  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Skin problems
  • Sinus problems
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Weight loss or gain

When a peptic ulcer is in the stomach it referred to as a gastric ulcer. However the symptoms of a gastric ulcer are more specific than peptic ulcer symptoms.


Symptoms of Gastric ulcers

  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal pain

Lesser Symptoms of Gastric ulcers

  • Headaches
  • Light-headedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue


Duodenal Ulcer

A type of peptic ulcer that occurs in the duodenum , the beginning of the small intestine.

  • Bloating
  • Retching
  • Feeling sick

An ulcer erosion of the mucous membrane located in the oesophagus . These are often associated with acid reflux or GERD . As the oesophagus does not have the same mucous lining as the stomach .


When excessive stomach acid or an acid reflux occurs it can corrode the the lining of the oesophagus which can lead to inflammation and may lead to ulceration. Other causes are prolonged use of NSAID’s and acid effect of induced vomiting usually found in Bulimia cases.

Some symptoms of an oesophageal ulcer

  • Dull or burning pain
  • Difficulty in swallowing solid foods
  • Breathing problems such as wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Excessive salivation
  • Sore throat
  • Hoarseness
  • Inflammation of the sinus


  • It is caused by a peptic ulcer that has not been treated . This is a dangerous type of ulcer and should be seen to by a doctor immediately. As the ulcer develops and grows , it may cause damage to surrounding blood vessels in the wall of the stomach or duodenum , thus causing bleeding .


    If an ulcer penetrates through the stomach lining and and into a large blood vessel , it will most likely require emergency surgery.

    Symptoms of a bleeding ulcer

    • The stool is black and foul smelling
    • Presence of blood in the stool
    • Vomiting of blood
    • Very intense and localized pain in the stomach and in the back
    • Due to loss of blood , dizziness and faintness could be encountered
    • Unexplained weight loss

They are a group of lesions found in the oesophagus , stomach or duodenum. Normally found in a critically ill or stressed patient.

Basic facts about Ulcers

Our product complies with all these points!!

Since 2006 our 100% natural treatment – Matula Herbal Tea- has been used by over 15 000 satisfied customers worldwide – with a remarkable success rate of well over 98%.

  • Up to 90 % of all stomach ulcers are caused by H.Pylori and not stress or spicy foods.
  • H.Pylori can easily be transmitted by kissing, sexual contact etc.
  • In poorer countries 50 % of the population is infected in childhood and 90% by adulthood.
  • The W.H.O. reported that H.Pylori is present in 50% of gastric cancer cases.
  • Approximately 1 in 8 people will develop duodenal or stomach ulcers in their lifetime.
  • Stomach ulcers affect more than 5 million people annually in the U.S.A. alone.
  • Each year approximately 300 000 people have ulcer related surgery .
  • Each year approximately 6 000 people die of ulcer related complications in the U.S.A.
  • Another major cause of ulcers is the prolonged use of NSAID’s.(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents/analgesics)
  • Both men and women are equally prone to ulcers.
  • A person of any age can suffer from ulcers.
  • Peptic ulcers affect nearly 1 in 10 of all adults.
  • gastric ulcers may lead to stomach cancer.
  • As one ages- one usually becomes more prone to H.Pylori infection.
  • Most doctors do not have an option but to supply and treat ulcers with antibiotics. The prescription is generally for either a Triple or a Quadruple treatment, often in conjunction with Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI’s) such as Nexium or Prilosec.
  • H.Pylori is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatment.
  • The latest antibiotics are now so powerful – in an attempt to be more effective- and thus causing serious side effects, resulting in many patients abandoning the treatment.
  • Approximately 65 % of people affected with H.Pylori are simultaneously infected by Candida Albicans.

If you have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, you should request your doctor to arrange a proper test, preferably the Helicobacter Pylori Stool Antigen test ( HPSA). If the results are positive – that you are infected – then you have two choices:


Ask your doctor to treat you with antibiotics (with all the known side effects) Or Go for a natural treatment.

If you choose a natural treatment make sure it complies with the following points:

  • Has it been scientifically tested for efficacy and safety,
  • Is it non toxic,
  • Does treatment cause any side effects.
  • Is it easy and pleasant to take,
  • Is the treatment reasonably priced,
  • Will you receive unlimited support from a qualified health team, while under and after treatment,
  • If the treatment fails, (all traces of H. Pylori have not been eliminated) can you reclaim your purchase price?

Different Types of Ulcers Explained

Most people know about two types of ulcers before they get diagnosed with a more specific type of ulcer. Generally, people refer only to stomach ulcers and peptic ulcers. We explain what the difference is between these two, and we also explain more about the lesser known stomach ulcers.

The term ‘stomach ulcer’ is a pretty broad term that includes quite a few different types of ulcers. It gets a little confusing when you really start looking deeper into figuring out the 7 different types of ulcers found in the digestive system.
Mostly, ulcers are named after the location where they are found but, as with most things in life, there is an exception – the peptic ulcer. For instance a peptic ulcer can be found anywhere in your esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
So, therefore a peptic ulcer can also be an esophageal, or gastric, or duodenal ulcer….confused?

Peptic Ulcer
Any ulcer that is exposed to pepsin is referred to as peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers are found in the lining of your stomach or duodenum. Pepsin is normally present along with hydrochloric acid in the stomach lining. There are many symptoms of peptic ulcers that are worth checking out.

Gastric Ulcer
When a peptic ulcer is in your stomach, it is called a gastric ulcer. The symptoms of gastric ulcers are more specific than peptic ulcer symptoms.

Duodenal Ulcer
When a peptic ulcer is in your duodenum, it is called a duodenal ulcer. This type of peptic ulcer develops in the first part of the small intestine. Some of the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are interestingly quite opposite to those of gastric ulcers. Duodenal ulcers are the most common ulcers found in the Western world.

Esophageal Ulcer
This type of ulcer occurs in the lower end of your esophagus. Esophageal ulcers are often associated with a bad case of acid reflux, or GERD as it is commonly called (short for Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease).

Bleeding Ulcer Internal bleeding is caused by a peptic ulcer which has been left untreated. When this happens, it is now referred to as a bleeding ulcer – this is the most dangerous type of ulcer. See your doctor immediately if you are showing symptoms.

Refractory Ulcer
Refractory ulcers are simply peptic ulcers that have not healed after at least 3 months of treatment.

Stress Ulcer
Stress ulcers are a group of lesions (or lacerations) found in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. These are normally only found in critically ill or severely stressed patients.

If you have any of the above types of ulcers, then obviously you will want a treatment that will work best for you.
If you have already been trying to get rid of H. pylori or your stomach ulcer, then your treatment has failed and you are now seeking an alternative treatment that actually works.
Because most doctors only focus on drug therapies, the avenue that they never get to explore is natural medicine.

FACT! To be free from stomach ulcers, you have to be free from H. pylori
Maybe you feel like you expect too much from your treatment, especially if you have already failed with a previous treatment. The fact that this happens to about 70% of people means you are not alone.

Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most have not yet heard that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available.
To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 15 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.


The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects! This means that you can now be over 98% certain that you can get rid of H. pylori without any risk to your health or your finances.
In addition, our Natural Health team also guarantees to provide you with unlimited and free support and advice – until you are well again.

Esophageal Ulcers

Esophageal ulcers occur in the lower end of your esophagus. These ulcers are often associated with a bad case of acid reflux, or GERD as it is commonly called.

Esophageal Ulcers are defined as open sores or lesions in the lining of the esophagus (the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach). These ulcers usually cause pain that is felt behind or just below your breastbone, similar to the area where you would feel heartburn symptoms.
Healing is slow and these ulcers can recur quite often. Chronic and severe recurrences can result in a narrowing of your esophagus after healing.
It is important to note that curing acid reflux early is the key to preventing major problems and possible complications later.

Ulcers in the esophagus are usually associated with chronic gastro esophageal reflux disease (more commonly known as acid reflux or GERD.
Your esophagus does not have the same mucous lining that your stomach has to protect itself against your stomach acid. When excessive stomach acid refluxes from your stomach up into your esophagus, it can corrode the lining of your esophagus over a relatively short period of time. This eventually leads to inflammation of the esophagus (known as esophagitis), and then later to ulceration.
Other common causes are:


  •   Prolonged use of NSAID’s (anti-inflammatory medications)
  •   Smoking
  •   Acid Reflux
  •   Acid effects of forced vomiting in Bulimia cases

Your doctor can diagnose esophageal ulcers with a barium x-ray or endoscopy.

Complications of ulcers include bleeding and perforation. Ulcers and their resulting inflammation can erode into the esophageal blood vessels and give rise to bleeding into the esophagus. Bleeding ulcers are dangerous and should be treated immediately.
Prolonged or severe acid reflux (severe heartburn) causes changes in the cells that line the esophagus. These cells then become pre-cancerous, and finally cancerous. Cancer is estimated to occur in 10% of patients with acid reflux.


Esophageal cancer is currently the fastest growing cancer in the western world. The two biggest risk factors for this type of cancer are Acid reflux (GERD) and Barrett’s esophagus.

Esophageal narrowing and Barrett’s esophagus (an abnormal lining of the bottom part of the esophagus) are long-term complications from esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus). Barrett’s esophagus is also know Barrett’s syndrome, and is a marker for severe reflux and a sure sign of onset of esophageal cancer.
In 1998 surveys showed that esophageal cancer was one of the 10 leading cancers causing death among men in the USA.
People who have Barrett’s esophagus are at increased risk, as are people who have long standing acid reflux problems.

Esophageal ulcers are very sensitive to small amounts of acid, much more so than gastric and duodenal ulcers. Doctors regularly prescribe proton-pump inhibitors to suppress your stomach acid. The logic of acid reduction is good for esophageal ulcer healing, but the real results can be far from good.


Treating the symptoms only is not going to lead to a cure. So we recommend that these ulcer medications should be avoided at all costs as they can do more harm than good. Treatment should rather be directed at the underlying cause – 90% of cases will show that an infection of H. pylori in the stomach is to blame.
Most of the remaining cause is the result of prolonged use of NSAID’s. Stopping smoking is also a good idea!
Esophageal narrowing is usually treated with drug therapy and by a process of repeated dilation to widen parts of your esophagus – dilation is performed by using balloons or progressively larger dilators called bougies (cone-shaped tubes). Not exactly what most people rammed want down their throats…

No matter what type of stomach ulcer you have, it will require some form of treatment, and obviously you hope and trust that your treatment is going to work for you. Unfortunately you will need to do some homework to ensure this happens.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that has any chance of failure, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about choosing a treatment that will work for you.
Everyone agrees that it makes sense to remove the cause, rather than to treat the symptoms. And you want to be able to remove the cause as comfortably as possible, without having to endure weeks, and possibly months, of ongoing medication – and the inevitable negative side effects.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.
Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects!

The Symptoms of a Peptic Ulcer

Esophageal ulcers occur in the lower end of your esophagus. These ulcers are often associated with a bad case of acid reflux, or GERD as it is commonly called.

  • The symptoms of a peptic ulcer are fairly easy to spot because there are so many of them. But did you know that a peptic ulcer could be any one of 3 different types of stomach ulcers? Check your symptoms to see what type of ulcer you may have, and get the latest information on what caused this problem and how you can deal with it safely and effectively.
  • The reason why there are so many recognizable symptoms is that a peptic ulcer can either be a gastric ulcer, a duodenal ulcer or an esophageal ulcer. So all the symptoms of a peptic ulcer are simply a collection of the symptoms of these 3 different types of ulcers.
    Gastric and duodenal ulcers have common symptoms. In addition, they also have symptoms of their own, yet in several respects some of their respective symptoms are almost opposite.
    For example, a gastric ulcer will cause you to have pain after eating, whereas you will feel pain before eating if you have a duodenal ulcer. Because a peptic ulcer can be either one of these ulcers, the symptoms of a peptic ulcer can be pain before eating or pain after eating. You may even experience pain before AND after eating if you are unlucky enough to be suffering from a gastric ulcer and a duodenal ulcer at the same time.
    The following list will help you identify if you have a peptic ulcer. Please click on the links to Gastric Ulcers and Duodenal Ulcers if you want to see the exact symptoms for the type of ulcer you have.

These are almost the same as the basic symptoms of stomach ulcers, but with a few small differences due to exposure to gastric acids;


  • The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is a gnawing or burning pain in your stomach just below your sternum
  • Stomach pains are triggered by hunger and occur between meals and in the early hours of the morning
  • Pains can be sharp or dull
  • Taking aspirin, or drinking orange juice or coffee can cause pain
  • Antacid medication offers short term relief
  • Pain can occur when your stomach is empty, or after you have eaten. The type of ulcer you have will determine this
  • Pain may be relieved by food intake or with antacids, again depending on the type of ulcer you have
  • Frequent burping
  • Bloating of the stomach
  • Ulcer pain can come and go over long periods of time

Ask your doctor to treat you with antibiotics (with all the known side effects) Or Go for a natural treatment.

If you choose a natural treatment make sure it complies with the following points:

  • Has it been scientifically tested for efficacy and safety,
  • Is it non toxic,
  • Does treatment cause any side effects.
  • Is it easy and pleasant to take,
  • Is the treatment reasonably priced,
  • Will you receive unlimited support from a qualified health team, while under and after treatment,
  • If the treatment fails, (all traces of H. Pylori have not been eliminated) can you reclaim your purchase price?
  • evidence of bleeding
  • vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and dizziness

Note that 10 – 20% of all people with peptic ulcers will not experience any symptoms at all – as a result they will be unaware that they have an ulcer. These people may only realize they have an ulcer when it has already gone to an advanced stage and become a bleeding ulcer.

No matter what type of peptic ulcer you may have, you will need to get it treated, and obviously you hope and trust that your treatment is going to work for you. Unfortunately you will need to do some homework to ensure this happens.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that even has the slightest chance of not working, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about the treatment you choose to overcome your peptic ulcer.
Everyone agrees that it makes sense to remove the cause, rather than to treat the symptoms. And you want to be able to remove the cause as comfortably as possible, without having to endure weeks, and possibly months, of ongoing medication – and the inevitable negative side effects.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.

Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.

  • The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is a gnawing or burning pain in your stomach just below your sternum
  • Stomach pains are triggered by hunger and occur between meals and in the early hours of the morning
  • Pains can be sharp or dull
  • Taking aspirin, or drinking orange juice or coffee can cause pain
  • Antacid medication offers short term relief
  • Pain can occur when your stomach is empty, or after you have eaten. The type of ulcer you have will determine this
  • Pain may be relieved by food intake or with antacids, again depending on the type of ulcer you have
  • Frequent burping
  • Bloating of the stomach
  • Ulcer pain can come and go over long periods of time

Ask your doctor to treat you with antibiotics (with all the known side effects) Or Go for a natural treatment.

If you choose a natural treatment make sure it complies with the following points:

  • Has it been scientifically tested for efficacy and safety,
  • Is it non toxic,
  • Does treatment cause any side effects.
  • Is it easy and pleasant to take,
  • Is the treatment reasonably priced,
  • Will you receive unlimited support from a qualified health team, while under and after treatment,
  • If the treatment fails, (all traces of H. Pylori have not been eliminated) can you reclaim your purchase price?

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects!
This means that you can now be over 98% certain that you can get rid of H. pylori and stomach ulcers without any risk to your health or your finances.
All my adult life, I have suffered from heartburn and stomach pain. A couple of years ago, my doctor checked me and diagnosed it Peptic Ulcer. He prescribed a one week course of antibiotics. It didn’t help, so he prescribed another one. This relieved the pain for a week or so, but then it was back in full force. During this period, I was told about your Matula and obtained a 30 days treatment course from you. I started this course and within 2 weeks I felt so much better and at the end of the course, I felt completely cured. This is now over 3 years ago and neither the ulcer nor the pain has ever recurred. I am very grateful for your help.
Mr C.G, Banbury, London, UK


My sister and I suffered from peptic ulcers for a few years and for both of us it just got worse. She was then completely cured by taking your herbal tea from Africa, which you gave her. Later you kindly supplied me with a treatment course of the tea and within a month from starting the course, the ulcer was gone and, now after a few years, I have never had it again. Thank you once again.
Mr T.A, Varberg, Sweden

Symptoms of a Gastric Ulcer

The symptoms of a gastric ulcer are fairly simple to identify. Gastric ulcers are common, but they can lead to serious complications if not attended to properly, and this is why you need to know some vital facts we reveal below – facts that most doctors won’t tell you about. We also recommend that you waste no time in learning why the answer to permanent recovery lies in removing the cause of the problem.Healing is slow and these ulcers can recur quite often. Chronic and severe recurrences can result in a narrowing of your esophagus after healing.
It is important to note that curing acid reflux early is the key to preventing major problems and possible complications later.

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms then you should get checked out for the presence of a gastric ulcer. You will need to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
The signs and symptoms of a gastric ulcer are almost opposite to the signs and symptoms of duodenal ulcers – the main differences are noticed in the timing and severity of the pain.

  • Gastric ulcers generally cause a dull aching pain, often right after eating.
  • Making a meal can often cause an increase in pain
  • Eating will not relieve pain as is the case with other types of ulcers
  • Indigestion and heartburn, or acid reflux
  • Nagging pain in the upper abdomen area below your breastbone
  • Episodes of nausea
  • A noticeable loss of appetite
  • Unplanned weight loss
  • Another less common symptom of a gastric ulcer is that about 3 in every 10 people are woken up at night by dull ulcer pains – this usually happens 3- 4 hours after eating.

Most doctors simply have very few options when it comes to treating gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori infections. (Triple Therapy, or Quadruple Therapy is about all they have to offer)
H. pylori is the main cause of ulcers and is becoming increasingly resistant to the most commonly used treatments.
Many patients have been on more than 4 courses of the same antibiotic treatment – and they still have gastric ulcers and H. pylori.
65% of patients infected with H. pylori are simultaneously infected with Candida Albicans, and they don’t even know about it!
Most Doctors spend more time treating the side effects of the drugs they prescribed, than the time they spend treating gastric ulcers.
Correct diagnosis of an H. pylori is critical, yet patients are literally throwing their money away on the conventional methods used for testing for H. pylori bacteria.
The latest drugs being produced for the eradication of H. pylori are now being made more powerful in an attempt to be more effective – but the result is that the negative side effects are getting proportionately worse.
The ONLY way to effectively overcome stomach ulcers caused by an H. pylori infection, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE. Some Doctors still hold on to the outdated ‘No Acid, No Ulcer’ mentality, and insist on treating the symptoms only.
Each year nearly 6,000 people die of ulcer-related complications in the USA alone.
There is a lot more you need to know about gastric ulcers and H. pylori!! The more you know, the quicker you will be able to decide what course of action will suit you best.

  • Sometimes ulcers may produce no symptoms at all. You may be completely unaware that you have an ulcer until you have occasional painless bleeding episodes and anemia.
    The passage of smelly black, tarry stools may be your first sign that you are suffering from a bleeding ulcer.
    If your ulcer is already at an advanced stage then repeated episodes of bleeding can be identified. Vomiting new blood which is bright red in color, or older digested blood that is dark and grainy, are also sure symptoms of a gastric ulcer that has started bleeding.
A bleeding ulcer is a medical emergency! Don’t waste any time getting immediate treatment.  If your gastric ulcer is bleeding, then you may vomit bright new red blood, or older digested blood that looks like brown coffee grounds and have black, tarry bowel movements.

You need to check for the symptoms of a bleeding ulcer – if these are present then the dizziness and faintness will be due to a loss of blood. You should seek immediate treatment to stop the blood flow.

These symptoms will differ from person to person but many people do have periods of ulcer pain followed by pain free periods that can last for several days or even months.
Most people will try an over-the-counter antacid treatment if this is their first exposure to stomach ulcers. Beware!! Sometimes ulcer pain can radiate to your back or to your chest – when this happens it is common for people to think they are having a heart attack!

You may be thinking right now by having a gastric ulcer, you are stuck with a major problem….but the good news is that a recent breakthrough in natural medicine now makes it possible for you to COMPLETELY and EASILY remove the cause of your gastric ulcer.
Have you have already had a bad experience with a previous treatment for a gastric ulcer, or any other treatment for Helicobacter pylori that failed? Are you just a few steps away from giving up your battle with ulcers?

No matter how bad your gastric ulcer is, you will need to get it treated, and obviously you hope and trust that your treatment is going to work for you. Unfortunately you will need to do some homework to ensure this happens.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that even has the slightest chance of not working, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about the treatment you choose to overcome your gastric ulcer.
Everyone agrees that it makes sense to remove the cause, rather than to treat the symptoms. And you want to be able to remove the cause as comfortably as possible, without having to endure weeks, and possibly months, of ongoing medication – and the inevitable negative side effects.

REMEMBER! The cause of nearly all stomach ulcers is H. pylori.

Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects! This means that you can now be over 98% certain that you can get rid of H. pylori and stomach ulcers without any risk to your health or your finances.
Great information – thank you! I can’t thank you enough for all the information you have sent my way. It’s better then any office visit I ever had with a doctor. Your reports are easy to read and are extremely informative and helpful. The best part is, that I can go back and read them again and again. I chose your program, because I believe in natural healing, rather than using medication, which I feel does nothing but mask the problem. Along with healing gastric ulcers, I am also treating candida overgrowth, which I need to heal as well, since most of my trouble started after being on antibiotics earlier this year. Thank You!
Rose M, United States

The Symptoms of a Duodenal Ulcer

  • The primary symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are heartburn, severe stomach pain, unplanned weight gain, and a burning sensation felt at the back of the throat. Take a few minutes to learn more about duodenal ulcers, and to see why there is no need to continue suffering, or to repeat any treatments that have already failed you…
  • The signs and symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are almost opposite to the signs and symptoms of gastric ulcers – the differences are noticed mainly in the timing and extent of the pain. Duodenal ulcers develop in the first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.
    Check out the following symptoms to see if you possibly have a duodenal ulcer;
  • You will also feel a burning or gnawing sensation in the top of your stomach.
  • The symptoms of a duodenal ulcer are felt mostly before a meal. This happens when excess acid produced by hunger stimulation, is passed into the duodenum.
  • Pain will be felt after taking aspirin or drinking orange juice or coffee.
  • Another symptom of a duodenal ulcer is that about 5 in every 10 people are woken from their sleep during the night by sharp ulcer pains.
  • With duodenal ulcers, taking a meal or an antacid usually results in a decrease in pain levels
    • Q. What if I am unsure if I have a duodenal ulcer and decide not to go to a doctor? A. Rather be safe than sorry when it comes to health issues. The older you are, the greater the chance that you will be infected with H. pylori. Although not everyone who has H. pylori will get an ulcer, it is a good idea to get rid of this bacteria, just in case you fall into the majority group who will get ulcers.
      The upside with treating duodenal ulcers is that complications are quite rare. Complications are normally in the form of bleeding ulcers caused by the perforation of the intestinal wall, or an obstruction preventing the passage of food.
    If complications occur from leaving your ulcer untreated, then you may become a candidate for emergency surgery soon.
    Proven FACTS!


    • Helicobacter pylori infections are responsible for causing 80% to 90% of all stomach ulcers
    • The World Health Organization reports that H. pylori is also present in 50% of all new gastric cancer cases
    • Antibiotics are a primary cause of Candida overgrowth, a secondary infection commonly found to co-exist in patients with H. pylori infections

    Q. What happens if I choose to ignore any of the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer? And what if I also have an H. pylori infection that I am totally unaware of?
    A. Recent reports show that there is a link between long-term infection with H. pylori and gastric cancer. The World Health Organization has reported that 50% of new case of stomach cancer are linked to H. pylori.
    Gastric cancer is listed as the second most common cancer worldwide. Over half the population in countries such as India, Colombia and China are infected with H. pylori in early childhood, and it is these countries where gastric cancer is most common.
    In Western countries, where H. pylori is less common in young people, gastric cancer rates are much lower. The focus is more on long term infection. If you are showing any symptoms of any ulcers there is a 80% – 90% chance that you will be infected with H. pylori.

    If you are infected with H. pylori your risk of developing gastric cancer is 2 to 6 times greater that those who are not infected. The longer you leave your condition unchecked the greater your risk will be of your ulcer getting to an advanced stage, and the greater the risk of complications.

There definitely is, but you need to be very careful when looking for a treatment or remedy that is going to work for you. As you may have experienced already, the most commonly prescribed treatments are not as effective as you are led to believe.
We fully understand that you may have already been trying to get rid of H. pylori or a stomach ulcer, and that you could be visiting our site now because a treatment has failed, and that you are now hoping to find an alternative treatment that actually works.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.

By now you have probably figured out why most doctors are not telling you the real facts about Helicobacter Pylori infections, or about the limitations they have as far as treatments go. We hope the knowledge you gain here is going to help you to avoid the pitfalls of choosing any treatment that may not work for you.
Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an amazing success rate of over 98%.

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects!
This means that you can now be over 98% certain that you can get rid of H. pylori and stomach ulcers without any risk to your health or your finances.

Bleeding Ulcers

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a bleeding ulcer can be a life saving gift. You may be completely unaware you even have an ulcer because you are not experiencing any ulcer related pains. For most ulcer sufferers, this may seem like a painless and easy situation to be in. But in fact, it is a potentially lethal problem!

When an ulcer starts bleeding, your blood neutralizes the stomach acid around the area of the ulcer, when this happens the neutralized stomach acid will not ‘burn’ the raw areas around the ulcer. Basically this means that you will not feel any pain. And this can present some major problems.
If you do not experience stomach pain, then this may lead you to think that your ulcer may have healed. In reality, the opposite may be true. Your ulcer may have got worse, and it could be bleeding so badly that you are not experiencing any pain, due to the reason explained above.
This is why it is so important for you to recognize and look for the symptoms of a bleeding ulcer, as discussed further down on this page.
You may experience occasional painless bleeding episodes and anemia, and these are signs that are easily written off to other possible causes. You may also suffer from dizzy spells caused by loss of blood, but you could blame the dizziness on stress or maybe even lack of sleep – look out for these signs, because they could spell trouble!
‘Stomach ulcers usually cause pain when they are exposed to gastric acid…but when an ulcer starts bleeding, your blood will lessen the effect of your stomach acids, and mask any pain you would normally feel.’
About 1 in every 10 people with bleeding ulcers don’t have any associated pain. If you happen to be that 1 person then you need to take extra careful note of other the signs that are much easier to notice.

  • If any of the following symptoms of a bleeding ulcer present themselves, we urge you to move swiftly towards getting treatment, and make sure you tell your doctor about all the symptoms you have.
    • The passing of foul smelling black, tarry stools could be one of the first symptoms of a gastric ulcer or a duodenal ulcer that has started bleeding
    • The presence of dark red blood in your stools
    • If your ulcer is already at an advanced stage then repeated and different signs of bleeding can be identified.
    • Vomiting of new blood which is bright red in color – this indicates that a gastric ulcer has started bleeding. This will be accompanied by repeated episodes of nausea.
    • Unplanned or unexplained weight loss
    • Intense and more localized pain in people with penetrating ulcers – the pain may also radiate to your back
    • Faintness and dizziness when standing up – this is due to loss of blood. Over a long period of time, you may become anemic and feel weak, dizzy, or tired all the time. This is typical of a slow bleed left untreated.

    REMEMBER if you have been diagnosed with a bleeding ulcer or even if you have the slightest suspicion that you are bleeding from an ulcer, please do not hesitate to get emergency treatment away!

  • Sometimes ulcers may produce no symptoms at all. You may be completely unaware that you have an ulcer until you have occasional painless bleeding episodes and anemia.
    The passage of smelly black, tarry stools may be your first sign that you are suffering from a bleeding ulcer.
    If your ulcer is already at an advanced stage then repeated episodes of bleeding can be identified. Vomiting new blood which is bright red in color, or older digested blood that is dark and grainy, are also sure symptoms of a gastric ulcer that has started bleeding.
A bleeding ulcer is a medical emergency! Don’t waste any time getting immediate treatment.  If your gastric ulcer is bleeding, then you may vomit bright new red blood, or older digested blood that looks like brown coffee grounds and have black, tarry bowel movements.

Acid blockers are commonly prescribed to relieve pain but be warned – the relief is very temporary!
About 3 in every 10 people showing the symptoms of a bleeding ulcer will need surgery to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, then endoscopy is the most common surgical procedure used to stop the bleeding.
A doctor uses an endoscope to cauterize or seal the bleeding vessel using a heated electrical probe. Or he may close it off by injecting solutions into the bleeding vessel.
Doctors can also easily see the signs of all the different types of bleeding when using an endoscope. Blood clots, active spurting, slow oozing of blood from arteries, as well as swollen blood vessels that are not bleeding yet, can all be detected with the use of an endoscope.
Endoscopy is currently the gold standard for treating bleeding ulcers.
I have just finished my 27th day with the tea and I must say it is an amazing product. My stomach conditions have changed dramatically. First of all my bleeding ulcer is gone, I have no symptoms whatsoever. No more burning , stomach churning and always feeling hungry. I do not have to eat 3 times a day and am able to eat a variety of foods. I am most grateful to you and your product.
Dean B, USA


Some four years ago, I was on a business trip to S. Africa. One day I told you about my bleeding ulcer, it was really bad at the time, with a lot of blood in the stool. You suggested that I try the Ulcer Tea and on my return to Denmark a couple of days later, I started the 30 days course. After the first week, I already felt a lot better and the pain was far less, after the second week the pain and the bleeding had completely stopped. I completed the course and up till this day, I have had no more pain or bleeding. Thank you and bless you.
Mr J.G.N, Mors, Denmark

In September, last year I was hospitalized for two days with a bleeding ulcer. I was given antibiotics for a 6 weeks period. At the end of the period, the treatment was extended for a further 6 weeks. I then obtained a Matula treatment course from you. After the completion of the herbal tea course, I felt very much better and returned to the hospital for a check up. The doctor was amazed, how well the ulcers had healed and said he could not even see traces of them. He said no further treatment was necessary. I am feeling very well now and not on any medication. Many thanks to you for helping me. Please send me another treatment course, which I will keep for “just in case”.
Mr G.O, East London

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms?

  • If you have been diagnosed with stomach ulcers, or if you want to know if your symptoms are caused by a stomach ulcer, then this important message could be exactly what you need right now.
    First we discuss all the signs and symptoms of all types of stomach ulcers, and then we provide some interesting facts on the most popular treatments (both pharmaceutical and natural). You will also discover the truth about why the most commonly prescribed treatment fails up to 70% of the time.
    Your good health is as important to us as it is to you, so we encourage you to use this unique information wisely, because we know that by doing so you will regain optimum digestive health sooner than you think.
  • We will start with the most common symptoms of a stomach ulcer. Remember that if you have any form of stomach ulcer, it is highly likely that you are infected with H. pylori bacteria.
    If you are worried that you are indeed suffering from the symptoms of a stomach ulcer or a peptic ulcer, then a proper diagnosis by a health professional is recommended.


    Keep a look out for these ulcer symptoms – they are common to all types of stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori – including gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and peptic ulcers.
    • Abdominal pain – H. pylori can cause painful inflammation of the stomach and small intestine lining. Pain can also be caused by a build up of gases, and constipation.
    • Heartburn – Also called acid reflux, or GERD. When acid is low, digestion of food becomes slow and difficult. The result is that food sits in the stomach too long and gives off gases which can cause burning sensations in the stomach and throat.
    • Anemia – Or iron deficiency – this is closely linked with an H. pylori infection. When an H. pylori infection has caused low stomach acid, it becomes particularly difficult to digest protein (which contains iron).
    • Mild Abdominal Discomfort- Typically felt 2 – 4 hours before or after meals
    • Bad Breath – H pylori organisms present in stomach acid create ammonia, which results in bad breath.
    • Chest Pain -When H. pylori infection causes an inflammation in the stomach, the pain signals from the stomach can reflex into the chest, shoulder blade and stomach areas
    • Constipation – When H. pylori causes low stomach acid, food is not processed properly causing undigested food to be released into the intestine.
    • Diarrhea – The diarrhea may only happen infrequently, or it may happen almost daily, depending on how chronic the infection of H. pylori is.
    • Gastritis – Gastritis is characterized by an inflammation of the stomach lining. H. pylori uses it’s corkscrew shape to burrow into, and injure the stomach lining, which results in inflammation.
    • Nausea & Vomiting – H pylori causes nausea, but the reason for this is not clear. It is thought that as the body attempts to rid itself of the infection, the ejection happens through the process of vomiting. These symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for morning sickness in pregnant women.
  • These ulcer symptoms are listed in no particular order, but they are important to note. If you are showing any of the symptoms shown above, then these secondary symptoms may also be experienced;
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Fatigue or Low Energy
    • Headaches or Migraines
    • Skin Problems
    • Pre Menstrual Stress
    • Sinus Problems
    • Sleep Problems
    • Weight Problems (Gain or Loss)

    If you have any of the above symptoms, then it is possible that you may have a stomach ulcer. Fortunately, 90% of all ulcers are easily curable, but there is a hidden danger….

    • There are 7 different types of stomach ulcers and the symptoms are different for each different type of ulcer.
      For example, duodenal and gastric ulcers have symptoms which are quite opposite, and this can be quite confusing.
      Please click on Gastric Ulcers or Duodenal Ulcers to find more specific symptoms of these types of ulcers.
      Any symptoms of a stomach ulcer seen above should be regarded as a warning signal.
      If you notice any one particular ulcer symptom, then the best advice we can offer is that you keep a lookout for any other secondary symptoms that may follow.
      Never hesitate to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis. Stomach ulcer symptoms should be taken seriously.
      By making sure you know the real facts behind ulcers and the most commonly prescribed treatments, you can more easily decide on what the right treatment will be for you, so that you can live without any further pain and discomfort.
      Are you sure you have a stomach ulcer? This is an important question because stomach ulcer symptoms can easily be confused with the symptoms of other GI Tract disorders. Always make sure by getting a proper diagnosis by a health professional.

Unattended ulcers can start bleeding – and this is potentially the most dangerous condition of all!
When stomach ulcers have start bleeding, these are the most likely warning signs to look out for;


  • Black and smelly stools
  • Nausea or vomiting of blood
  • Chest and back pain
  • Fainting and dizzy episodes

‘NO PAIN’ does NOT mean ‘NO PROBLEM’- If you have a bleeding ulcer you may not feel any pain at all..

If you didn’t already know it -this is the single most important fact that you should know about stomach ulcers.
No matter what you have been told or what you have read elsewhere – this has been clinically proven over and over again using thousands of case studies – contrary to popular beliefs and claims about stress, bad eating habits, or free radicals (the clinical studies that ‘prove’ this theory are based on a tiny group people and are inconclusive).
It has also been proven beyond doubt, that when an infection of Helicobacter Pylori has been cleared, this is naturally followed by a healing of stomach ulcers. Therefore the main objective of any good stomach ulcer treatment will be to remove all traces of helicobacter pylori bacteria.
Just knowing these 2 basic facts and the other important facts listed on this page, could save you from months of unnecessary pain and suffering.

We want you to know the all the fact about the treatment of stomach ulcer symptoms – that includes everything from diagnosis and testing, to actually getting completely cured.
Most of the facts you are about to read below have come to us from health professionals – a source that has never been made public before. Based on this you will find that most of our advice will be very different to anything else you may have seen elsewhere. Please take a little time now and absorb and understand as much as you can from this information – it will benefit you to know all of this.
The 10 Facts about Ulcer treatments
that Doctors won’t tell you about…
These important facts demonstrate how ineffective ulcer treatments really are – cold facts that have purposely been kept from you by health professionals and drug companies.
The sad fact is that nearly ALL doctors know already know about these facts, because they all experience it almost all the time in their own practices – and with their own patients.


“The biggest cause of failure is due to patients not being able to complete their course of treatment…and this is attributed directly to the harsh and well documented negative effects of prescribed treatments”

#1 – Most doctors simply have no options other than antibiotic treatments when it comes to prescribing treatments for H. pylori infections. The prescription will almost always be either a Triple Therapy (or Quadruple Therapy if the Triple Therapy fails)
#2 – Doctors highly recommend drug therapy – yet they cannot guarantee that their prescribed treatment will work.
#3 – H. pylori is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatments.
#4 – Thousands of ulcer sufferers have taken more than 4 courses of the SAME antibiotic treatment- yet they still suffer from stomach ulcers and H. pylori.
#5 – Approximately 65% of patients infected with H. pylori are simultaneously infected with Candida Albicans, and they don’t even know about it!
#6 – Some doctors spend more time treating negative side effects of Triple Therapy, than they do treating the stomach ulcer or H. pylori infection.
#7 – Getting the right results after an H. pylori treatment is crucial, yet patients are literally forced into throwing good money away due to Blood Test results (these should never be used after treatment)
#8 – The latest drugs being produced for the treatment of H. pylori infections are now being made more powerful in an attempt to be more effective – but sadly the negative side effects are only getting worse (this is the main cause of patients abandoning treatment.)
#9 – The ONLY way to effectively CURE stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori infection, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE – not the symptoms.
#10 – Many ‘old school’ doctors still hold on to the outdated ‘No Acid, No Ulcer’ mentality, and insist on treating the symptoms of Acid Reflux (GERD) only.

For most people stomach ulcer and H. pylori issues are first dealt with by a Doctor. The most widely prescribed treatment is known as Triple Therapy, and if that does not work then it may be followed by Quadruple Therapy.  Both of these are antibiotic based and as such there are well documented and widely published negative effects that you need to be aware of BEFORE you take these treatments. These include;
Joint pain, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, flu-like symptoms, stomach upset, low blood pressure, kidney damage, increased liver enzymes, mouth ulcers, nausea, light sensitivity, itching, rash, skin discoloration, hives, vomiting, heartburn, shortness of breath, blood disorders and loss of appetite.
Obviously these are fairly extensive and can be quiet harmful, and therefore worthy of concern.


If you feel you will not be able to cope with any of these negative side effects, then we strongly urge you to keep reading….we want you to have the right knowledge so that you can make an educated decision on how you can claim back your good health, without any further stress or disappointments.

If you have already been diagnosed with H. pylori then you may want to explore these options. Sometimes big claims and promises are made, so always ask for clinical tests and a money back guarantee BEFORE you decide to part with your money!


  • Herbs – Without doubt, the best natural treatment we have found for stomach ulcers and H. pylori is one now being used by Doctors and other Health Care professionals around the world. Clinically tested and proven to be a very effective herbal treatment for stomach ulcers, it is proven to eradicate all strains H. pylori completely, and without any negative side effects. This 100% natural treatment is an easy treatment to take, as opposed to the difficult treatment regime of Triple Therapy and it’s known negative effects.
  • Ayurvedic medicine- widely practiced Holistic treatment in modern India and now steadily gaining popularity in the West. Ayurvedic medicine works on your diet, detoxification and purification techniques, herbal remedies, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy.
  • Acupuncture – tests on patients who have undergone acupuncture treatment for stomach ulcers show that acupuncture procedures can normalize certain processes of the gastro intestinal tract. There is not much evidence available to show exactly how effective acupuncture is as a treatment for stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori. Acupuncture is a painless treatment with thin metal needles being inserted to varying depths, and at specific acupuncture points. The needles are usually left inserted for 15 – 30 minutes. Treatment normally involves multiple sessions over a period of weeks or months.
  • Vitamins and Minerals – Zinc, vitamin A and beta-carotene will boost your stomach lining’s ability to repair and regenerate itself, however vitamins alone will not remove the cause of stomach ulcers. See more about vitamins in our recommended ulcer diet.
  • Homeopathy – for a homeopath, the symptoms of the disease are much more important than the ulcer itself. A homeopath not only tries to heal the ulcer but also tries to remove the cause of the ulcer as well as the tendency for a relapse. Examples of homeopathic medicines used for stomach ulcers are argentum-nit, arsenic-alb, hydrastis, kali-bichrom, phosphorus, uranium-nit, terebintha, atropine, geranium, natrum-phos, medorrhinum, merc-cor, ornithogalum, lycopodium, pulsatilla and graphites.

REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.

We fully understand that you may have already been trying to get rid of an H. pylori infection or a stomach ulcer, and that you are hoping to find an effective alternative treatment because your last treatment failed.
Even if this is not the case and you have a new ulcer condition which needs attention, then rest assured – you are in the right place!


FACT! It is now completely possible for you to safely and effectively remove all strains of Helicobacter pylori with a clinically proven 100% natural treatment.

The truth is that stomach ulcers and helicobacter pylori infections will not go away without some form of treatment. The problem most people face is that medical doctors only know the pharmaceutical options, and are generally unaware of any alternatives.
Because of this, very biased judgment is often passed by them about the safety or effectiveness of these remedies. And because this is coming from a medical doctor, it is most likely going to cause you some doubt and confusion about any non pharmaceutical remedies, so please be aware of this.
Making a bad choice of treatment could lead to weeks, if not months, of suffering with ongoing ill health, unnecessary medication, and costs.
If you don’t want to consider any treatments that may fail or disappoint you, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. you are about to learn a simple way on how to make sure that any treatment you are considering, will work for you – and without any risks.

Some simple steps to help you find a safe and effective treatment

When you are suffering from stomach ulcers, the most reassuring thing you need is to know is that you can rely on your treatment to work, without causing you any further problems due to negative side effects.
You should also know that by taking any treatment which is not both clinically and scientifically proven, or even guaranteed to work for you, then you run the risks of wasting your money, and staying unwell for as long as it takes to find a treatment that does work.
Right now, you are about to learn just how easily and quickly you can end your suffering, and avoid any further disappointments.

Ready to learn how to establish if a treatment will be effective?  It will be well worth your time to check these 3 simple tips, and the ‘7 Questions’ below.

TIP 1 – Make sure the manufacturers of the treatment are prepared to back their own product by checking for testimonials and guarantees, and look for a track record.
TIP 2 – Make sure the treatment will work without causing any negative effects. In other words, it must be BE KIND TO YOUR BODY!
TIP 3 – Check for published clinical and scientific proof, and make sure it comes from a reliable source.

Beware of remedies when clinical tests are based on a sample group of under 40 people, or when a true success rate is not divulged, or when there is no guarantee.

Applying this simple series of questions to any treatment, will make it really easy for you to get the safest and most effective treatment that will work best for you.
What could be better than taking a treatment with total peace of mind, and without having to worry about the wasted cost if it does not work?

 Is it Scientifically & Clinically proven?
 Is it Free from negative side effects?
 Is it Easy to take, and does it taste good?
 Will just one course of treatment work?
 Is it a once off expense (no ongoing costs)?
 Is it a Guaranteed Risk Free purchase?
 Will you get FREE UNLIMITED support?

If you have been searching online already, you will already know that there are not many treatments that can offer more that any two of the above. If you have already failed with a Triple Therapy or with any other treatment, then you will know how true this is.

  • What you are about to discover is a solution that has already helped over 10 000 stomach ulcer and h. pylori sufferers across the globe since 2006 – with a success rate of over 98%. This all-natural herbal preparation is called….

Matula Herbal Formula™

The complete health restoration package for Stomach Ulcers and H. pylori infections

THE REMEDY: Matula Herbal Formula has been used successfully across the globe by more than ten thousand people suffering from H. pylori and stomach ulcers, as well as by numerous Health Care Professionals who were unable to cure themselves, or their families, when using conventional medicine.

Matula Herbal Formula is a totally unique preparation made up from selected rare herbs only found in Southern Africa.Supply is strictly limited to protect the herb species from extinction. Because of this, the Matula Herbal Formula will always remain in relatively short supply, and because of this it is only available to a small percentage of people who have been lucky enough to find it.

UNLIMITED FREE SUPPORT: Along with Matula Herbal Formula you also be entitled to FREE unlimited support from our dedicated Natural Health team. They are committed to treating each and every customer with care, compassion and respect – and they will help you in any way they can, right up until you are well again.

Matula Herbal Formula™ has a proven success rate of over 98%……a track record that matchesthe Clinical Test Results!

And to top it all we have published Scientific and clinical test results so you can see for yourself.
Early in 2006, Matula Herbal Formula™ underwent tests by world renowned Immunologist, Professor Patrick JD Bouic Ph.D. We had a good idea of it’s effect on several stomach ailments, but the results against H. pylori were the most gratifying of all.
We are so proud of these results that we decided to publish them right here, just to show the world we have nothing to hide, and also to give you the confidence that you won’t find elsewhere else!
Matula Herbal Formula™ is the one and only natural remedy that has rock-solid proof that it works, and is possibly the ONLY remedy that offers unlimited care and support until you are healthy again.
Matula Herbal Formula is now being recommended worldwide by Doctors, Naturopaths and Chiropractors. We are proud of the testimonials we have received from so many of our customers, so please take a little time to check them out, as we are sure you will find them very inspiring.

World Renowned Immunologist Professor Patrick JD Bouic Ph.D. who tested Matula Herbal Formula™ says this:

“…the most exciting results obtained were when clinical strains of Helicobacter Pylori were assayed… the Matula extract proved it’s efficacy in killing off the strains.”

Professor Bouic is a co-founder of Synexa and heads the company’s Bio Analytical Services Unit. He is an immunologist with more than 30 years’ experience in immunopathology.

Why take a chance on remedies or products known problems, or those which do not carry any guarantees. In fact, why even take a chance on your health with any treatment that has no scientific proof that it can work?

If you want a safe and effective solution that isguaranteed to exceed ALL your expectations, then…

What is the main cause of an ulcer?

  • Thinking the cause of an ulcer is either too much hot spicy food or a stressed out lifestyle, is a school of thought that you can dismiss right now. Instead, scientific tests have proven that a small ‘stealth invader’ bacteria colonizes your GI tract without you even knowing about it, and it can cause some serious health problems if left unattended.
  • No.1 position is held firmly by the bacteria known as H. pylori (or Helicobacter pylori). With nearly 3 in every 4 people infected, this is the most wide spread infection known to man.
    Helico what? Well, it’s name may be bad enough to put you off, but what this little corkscrew bacterium can do to you is the what you really have to worry about.


    H. pylori is responsible for causing 80% to 90% of all peptic ulcers and the World Health Organization reports that it is also present in 50% of all new gastric cancer cases.

    Your stomach is naturally designed to protect itself against ulcers. A slimy layer of mucus protects your stomach lining against powerful acids (pepsin and hydrochloric acid). These acids are extremely harmful to unprotected body tissue, but at the same time are absolutely essential for proper digestion.
    There is a fine balance that has to be kept between the aggressive acids and the defensive mucous layers. When that delicate balance is broken, ulcers can develop. H. pylori can upset this balance by producing urease which eventually neutralizes the stomach’s acid and allows H. pylori to thrive in an acid free zone.

    • The second biggest cause of ulcers is through regular use of Pain Killers – in particular Non steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (more often referred to as NSAID’s).
      These drugs typically contain aspirin or ibuprofen (and others) and basically make your stomach lining vulnerable to the harmful effects of acid and pepsin, by blocking the natural secretion of mucus needed to protect your stomach lining. This allows H. pylori to get through your stomach acid and into your stomach lining.
      In the meantime the ‘antacid’ effect fools your stomach into producing more acid. This process upsets that fine balance and sets you up for a peptic ulcer or chronic heartburn.
      If you really have to take these NSAID’s, then do so only when necessary and always take them with meals. This will greatly reduce your risk of getting an ulcer, or more ulcers in the future.
      Learn More about Treatment of NSAID related Ulcers Here.
    • There are also some other contributing causes or factors as well that may aggravate or encourage the development of ulcers, but these are fairly low risk by comparison to H. pylori and NSAID’s.
      Here are the lesser causes of ulcers – most of these are to do with your lifestyle. It seems the “pleasure” of smoking and drinking can hurt you in the end – if you over-indulge that is! So, if your lifestyle has been, (or could be) the cause of an ulcer for you, then you have to ask yourself “IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?”. Only you can be the judge of that!
      Unbalanced diet
      Common sense with eating can avoid future problems if you don’t already have an ulcer. See our easy to follow ulcer diet – don’t worry, it is EASY and you can still enjoy life – most of it is just plain old common sense!


      Cigarette smoking is a definite cause of an ulcer. The nicotine in tobacco increases the amount of stomach acid and concentration of stomach acid, (which again upsets the all important balance) and this will increase your risk of an ulcer. The healing process may also be slowed by tobacco and nicotine intake.

      Alcohol Consumption
      Peptic ulcers have been found to be more common in heavy drinkers who have cirrhosis of the liver. Alcohol irritates and erodes the mucous lining of your stomach. This causes the volume of stomach acid to increase to a higher level than your stomach naturally needs. It is not proven that alcohol alone can be the sole cause of an ulcer or whether H. pylori bacteria or NSAID’s must also be present.

      Stress alone cannot be the sole cause of an ulcer, but it is considered as a contributing factor. Like smoking, both emotional and physical stress will delay the healing process. Physical stress can increase the risk of developing gastric ulcers.

      Caffeine intake also increases the amount of stomach acid and concentration of stomach acid and can worsen an existing ulcer. The increase in your stomach acid levels is usually not due to caffeine only, and there will always be a partner to this – such as H. pylori, smoking or alcohol consumption. There are many people that do all 3, and they drink copious quantities of coffee as well.

      Acid and Pepsin
      Too much acid and pepsin can damage a healthy stomach lining and cause ulcers. Most times the damage is caused by other factors first, weakening the stomach linings protective mucus layer defenses to a point when even an ordinary level of gastric acid can cause an ulcer. Too much acid can also cause acid reflux, or GERD, which is really chronic heartburn.

      Family History
      If your direct blood relatives have suffered from duodenal ulcers, and blood group O is also present in the family, then you are more at risk of getting this type of ulcer. Other than this there is no known correlation here. This is probably the least likely cause of an ulcer, and is not worthy of undue worry.

No matter what type of stomach ulcer you have, it will require some form of treatment, and obviously you hope and trust that your treatment is going to work for you. Unfortunately you will need to do some homework to ensure this happens.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that even has the slightest chance of not working, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about the treatment you choose to overcome your ulcer with.
Everyone agrees that it makes sense to remove the cause, rather than to treat the symptoms. And you want to be able to remove the cause as comfortably as possible, without having to endure weeks, and possibly months, of ongoing medication – and the inevitable negative side effects.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.

Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects!

NSAID’s and Stomach Ulcers

  • NSAID’s are the 2nd biggest cause of ulcers. 100 million prescriptions are written in the United States for NSAID’s, and a further 30 billion NSAID tablets are sold over-the-counter (without prescriptions) annually – that puts a lot of people at risk of developing peptic ulcers.


    NSAID’s are currently these are the world’s most heavily, and most frequently prescribed drugs. The reason for this is that they are widely used for a number of common health conditions. For example, Aspirin is commonly used to prevent cardiovascular problems, while prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) NSAID’s are frequently used for treatment of muscular pain, bone related discomfort such as arthritis pain, and inflammation.

    1 in every 5 Americans is treated with NSAID’s every year.
    7 in every 10 people over the age of 65 use NSAID’s weekly.
    3 in every 10 people use NSAID’s daily.

    We also know that these non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause ulcers. The average risks for gastric ulcers are nearly 4% with less than 2 weeks use of NSAID’s, and  7% with more than 4 weeks use of these drugs. For duodenal ulcers the average risks were 3.0% with less than 2 weeks use and 4.0% with more than 4 weeks use.

  • The problem with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is that people are unaware of the side effects and self-prescribe in ignorance, because these drugs are available without prescription. To give you an idea, 7% of men and 12% of women used prescription NSAID’s, while 20% of men and 30% of women used non-prescription NSAID’s.
    The gastrointestinal consequences of long-term NSAID use are significant. A recent US study has shown that the NSAID-related gastrointestinal death rate is higher than the death rates of cervical cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma.
    The gastrointestinal consequences of long-term NSAID use are significant. A recent US study has shown that the NSAID-related gastrointestinal death rates are higher than the death rates of cervical cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma.
    In the United States over 16,000 patients die each year due to NSAID-related gastrointestinal side-effects and a further 100,000 patients end up in hospital. That equates to nearly 50 NSAID-related deaths and 300 hospitalizations per day -this is a situation of epidemic proportion!!

  • NSAID’s interfere with the stomach’s ability to protect itself from acidic digestive juices (gastric acid), and this is the primary cause of ulcers.
    Normally the stomach has 3 main defenses against gastric acid;
  •   the mucus layer that coats the stomach lining and shields it from stomach acid
  •   the chemical bicarbonate that neutralizes stomach acid
  •   blood circulation to the stomach lining that aids in cell renewal and repair.

NSAID’s disrupt all three of these defense mechanisms. And when your stomach’s defenses are down, even normal levels of gastric acids will damage the unprotected stomach lining and cause ulcers.

The good news is that NSAID-induced ulcers usually start healing as soon as you stop taking your medication. To speed up the healing process and relieve symptoms your doctor will probably recommend taking antacids to neutralize the acid.

The good news is that NSAID-induced ulcers usually start healing as soon as you stop taking your medication. To speed up the healing process and relieve symptoms your doctor will probably recommend taking antacids to neutralize the acid.
H2-blockers or proton-pump inhibitors can also decrease the amount of acid the stomach produces, but this is an unnatural process and you could find your self undernourished. And of course there are the side effects of these medications to consider as well.
If you have an NSAID ulcer and you have also tested positive for H. pylori, then it is highly recommended that this bacterium is eradicated. More drugs and more nasty side effects? No, not necessarily! H. pylori can be eradicated with the use of 100% natural remedies and because they are natural you won’t suffer from negative effects either.
If you are taking these drugs and you think you have any symptoms of a peptic ulcer, please see your doctor a diagnosis. Delaying this can lead to complications. Surgery may be necessary if your ulcer recurs or fails to heal, or if your ulcer starts bleeding.

Both H. pylori and NSAID’s cause ulcers, and there appears to be a relationship between the two. You can see from the following that eradicating H. pylori in people who are taking NSAID’s is a good thing.


In a recent test, 300 patients who needed NSAID treatment were tested for H. pylori. 165 patients tested positive.
Of these 165 patients, 80 were treated with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without eradicating H. pylori. Another 85 were treated for H. pylori with antibiotics (only 58% effective) before starting NSAID treatment.
Before treatment was started none of the patients had any trace of stomach ulcers. After eight weeks, endoscopy was performed and it was found that 26 of the 85 patients (or 30%) who had not had successful H. pylori treatment, had an ulcer. Of the 49 patients with successful eradication of H. pylori, only 1 patient (or 2%) had an ulcer.
The results show that eradication of H. pylori should be recommended for those at highest risk (age related – older people are at higher risk) and also for anyone who has been being prescribed long-term NSAID treatment.

Thankfully it is now possible to safely treat an H. pylori infection, while you continue to take your existing medication.
After years of research, a tried and tested natural solution has emerged into the global market, and this one has already been used by thousands of customers who have to take NSAID’s at the same time.
This is a complete breakthrough in the treatment of H. pylori bacteria (the main cause of ulcers), and the main reason for this is that is is completely non-toxic and safe to take with any other medications.


Why take a chance on remedies or products with known problems or negative effects, or those which do not carry any guarantees? In fact, why even take a chance on your health with any treatment that has no scientific and clinical proof that it can work?

Sometimes you may feel like you are expecting too much from your treatment, especially if you have already failed with a prescribed treatment. The fact that this happens to about 70% of people visiting our site means you are not alone.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that has any chance of failure, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about choosing a treatment that will work for you.
Making a rash decision about your treatment could mean you having to endure weeks, or possibly months, of ongoing medication – plus all those harsh negative effects.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.


Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment for H. pylori is now available to them. To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.

The best news is that this all natural treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system – and without any negative effects.

Our Natural Health team has accumulated a wealth of information on H. pylori and have compiled an informative and essential report which contains everything you should know about H. pylori.


This information is a collection of the knowledge and experience gathered from a number of doctors treating their own patients in their own practices – and we sincerely hope this information will give you the edge in making an informed and educated decision about your treatment……

Stomach Ulcer Facts?

If you are suffering with, or just think you may have, a stomach ulcer then you should get to know all the facts about stomach ulcers. This important information could save you from months of unnecessary stress and suffering, by putting you on the right track – right now!
Take a few minutes to learn the truth about why most doctors can’t (and sometimes won’t) tell you why the most commonly prescribed treatments fail nearly 70% of the time, and how this can effect you in ways you may not have thought possible.
We trust you will find this helpful in avoiding any further stress, suffering or disappointment when dealing with your stomach ulcer condition, so that you can regain your good health sooner.

These are the facts about stomach ulcers most people don’t know about. Some of them may come as a shock if you think that this doesn’t happen to a lot of people;
Up to 90% of all types of stomach ulcers are caused by infections of Helicobacter Pylori, and NOT by spicy foods or by stress
Helicobacter Pylori can easily be transmitted from person to person by kissing, and also through sexual contact.
In poorer countries, 50% of the population are infected with H. pylori in childhood, and up to 90% of adult populations are also infected.
The World Health Organization reported that H. pylori is present in 50% of all new gastric cancer cases
Approximately 1 in every 8 people will develop duodenal ulcers or stomach ulcers in their lifetime.
Stomach Ulcers affect more than 5 million people each year in the USA alone.
Every year over 300,000 people round the world have ulcer related surgery because of persistent symptoms or complications.
Each year nearly 6,000 people die of ulcer-related complications in the USA alone.
Another major cause of ulcers is the prolonged use of aspirin and other painkillers, commonly known as NSAID’s
Nearly 3 in every 4 gastric ulcers are caused by H. pylori.
30% of people aged between 30 – 40 years are infected with H. pylori, as are 40% of people aged between 40 – 50 years being infected, and  50% of people aged between 50 – 60 years being infected, and so on.

  •   People of any age can suffer from ulcers.
  •   Women are just as prone to stomach ulcers as men are.
  •   Peptic ulcers will affect nearly 1 in 10 of all adults in Western countries.
  •   About 1 in every 20 gastric ulcers lead to stomach cancer.
  •   Duodenal ulcers may occur in adults of any age.
  •   Gastric ulcers affect mainly adults older than 40 years
  •   The older you get, the more prone you will become to H. pylori infection.

These are really important facts about ineffective and damaging ulcer treatments – most of which have purposely been kept from the public by health professionals and drug companies.
The sad fact is that nearly ALL doctors know already know about this, because they all experience it almost all the time in their own practices, with their own patients.


“The biggest cause of failure is due to patients not being able to complete their course of treatment…and this is attributed directly to the harsh and well documented negative effects of prescribed treatments”
#1 – Most doctors simply have no options other than antibiotic treatments when it comes to prescribing treatments for H. pylori infections. The prescription will almost always be either a Triple or Quadruple Therapy.
#2 – Doctors cannot guarantee that their treament will work, nor do they know that there is a clinically proven natural cure that does guarantee results (more below on this)
#3 – H. pylori is becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotic treatments.
#4 – Thousands of ulcer sufferers have taken more than 4 courses of the same antibiotic treatment – yet they still have stomach ulcers and H. pylori.
#5 – Approximately 65% of patients infected with H. pylori are simultaneously infected with Candida Albicans, and they don’t even know about it!
#6 – Some doctors spend more time treating negative side effects of Triple Therapy, than they do when treating the original stomach ulcer or H. pylori infection. (Natural cures by comparison have no negative effects)
#7 – Getting the right results after an H. pylori treatment is vital, yet patients are literally forced into throwing good money away by using conventional Blood Tests that some doctors insist on using after treatment.
#8 – The latest drugs being produced for the eradication of H. pylori are now being made more powerful in an attempt to be more effective – but sadly the negative side effects are not getting any better (this is the main cause of patients abandoning treatment.)
#9 – The ONLY way to effectively CURE stomach ulcers caused by H. pylori infection, is to REMOVE THE CAUSE.
#10 – Many ‘old school’ doctors still hold on to the outdated ‘No Acid, No Ulcer’ mentality, and insist on treating the symptoms of Acid Reflux (GERD) only.

We fully understand that you may have already been trying to get rid of H. pylori or a stomach ulcer, and that you may be visiting our site now because a treatment has failed, and that you are now hoping to find an alternative treatment that actually works.
By now you have probably figured out why most doctors are not telling you the real facts about Helicobacter Pylori infections, or about the limitations they are faced with as far as treatments go. We hope that this information is going to help you to avoid the disappointment of choosing any treatment that does not EFFECTIVELY remove the cause (Helicobacter pylori).

In addition to the limitations most Doctors are faced with, they are generally unaware of alternative natural remedies, and may even pass unfair judgement on these even when they have no knowledge about the effectiveness, or the safety, of these remedies – as compared to inherently toxic pharmaceutical options.
CLINICALLY PROVEN! The fact is that you can now safely and easily heal stomach
ulcers  by removing all strains of Helicobacter pylori with a 100% natural treatment.
If you don’t want to take a chance on accepting any treatment that has a questionable failure rate, then we strongly urge you to keep reading…. because we want you to have the real facts so you can make an educated decision about choosing a treatment that will work for you.
Don’t become a statistic! Making a rash decision about your treatment could mean you having to endure weeks, or possibly months, of ongoing medication – plus all the harsh negative effects mentioned above.


REMEMBER! The main cause of all types of stomach ulcers is Helicobacter Pylori.


Until our visitors eventually find their way here, most do not know that a safe, yet highly effective natural treatment is now available to them.
To date this 100% natural treatment has been used successfully by over 10 000 happy customers since 2006 – with an astounding success rate of over 98%.

The best news is that this treatment is fully guaranteed to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system and without any negative effects! This means that you can now be over 98% certain that you can finally be free from stomach ulcers without any further risk to your health or your finances.
Over and above that our Natural Health team also guarantee to provide you with unlimited support until you have regained your good health.

Overlapping Symptoms of GI Tract Disorders

There are many overlapping symptoms when it comes to Gastrointestinal Tract illnesses, diseases and infections. Make sure you don’t get confused by these, or you may end up taking a treatment for the wrong disorder.

This is a very important topic as there are many symptoms that overlap when it comes to Gastrointestinal Tract illnesses, diseases and infections. It is absolutely necessary for you to understand this, so that you are not confused by these before, during or even after any treatment you take.
For example, you may have experienced certain symptoms and your Doctor or Health Care Professional then does a diagnosis and pathology test that concludes you are H. pylori positive. Next, you complete a treatment to clear your H. pylori infection – only to find the same old symptoms show up soon after treatment.
This does not necessarily mean that your treatment has not worked, and that you are still infected with the H. pylori bacteria. You might be thinking that this doesn’t make sense.

When doing the initial diagnosis, Doctors normally tend to assess symptoms for the more common illnesses, diseases and infections. This also applies to the range of laboratory tests that they request. A good example of this is that we have found that between 65 to 70% of patients that test positive for H. pylori, will also test positive for Candida Albicans.
What is even more interesting is that the symptoms for H. pylori are VERY similar to the symptoms of Candida Albicans.
HERE’S THE PROBLEM! The pathology tests used to determine status of H. pylori and Candida Albicans are usually different – so it happens that Candida infection, or Candida overgrowth, is largely overlooked.
Yet, most patients being treated for H. pylori have symptoms that relate to both H. pylori and Candida Albicans, so it is easy for doctors to get confused by these symptoms and to treat the wrong condition over and over again.
The golden rule is that if you experience persistent symptoms after a treatment, then this is a clear indication that you have a further underlying complication that needs to be identified and treated.


Staying with the example above, and with the point about persistent symptoms, we would like to make a point about the difference between H. pylori and Candida Albicans infections.

CANDIDA ALBICANS – When Candida Albicans is activated, the yeast infection tends to multiply very rapidly. This is because the normal 60:40 ratio of ‘good versus bad bacteria’ becomes something like 20:80 where the bad bacteria takes control, leaving no hope for the good bacteria to cope.
H. PYLORI – By comparison H. pylori can take years to colonize in your stomach. It happens so slowly that we refer to this bacteria as a ‘stealth invader’.
In view of the above, we would suggest you should insist that your Health Care Professional does a blood test to determine your Candida Albicans status.

All our information is sourced from various digestive health experts,
a world renowned immunologist, and from these trusted websites;

Definition of a Stomach Ulcer

A stomach ulcer is a general term that includes several other types of ulcers found in the digestive system. Over 810 million people have stomach ulcers right now, and some of them may not even be aware that a stomach ulcer could be the cause their abdominal aches and pains.

There are many definitions out there with medical folk competing to see who can come up with the longest, most technical version. For example;


  • A raw or inflamed area of the stomach lining.”
  • “A Peptic ulcer is an ulcer of one of the areas of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic.”
  • “A break in the stomach lining that allows acid and digestive juices to damage the tissues beneath the lining. It can cause vomiting, pain and bleeding.”
  • “A necrotic lesion characterized by a crater-like erosion of the stomach wall (gastric ulcer) or the duodenum (duodenal ulcer) often associated with painful symptoms.”

Well, at least you get the idea. The simplest definition we can offer is this;
A stomach ulcer is a small hole or erosion in the lining of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum.
It is not much more that that! It sounds simple, but it really is a fairly serious condition that needs to be taken care of.
The most common type of ulcer found in patients in Western countries is the duodenal ulcer which is located in the small intestine, which is connected to the bottom part of the stomach.

Adults older than 40 years of age are most susceptible to gastric ulcers while nearly 1 in 10 of all adults in Western countries are affected by peptic ulcers. This figure is even higher in Third World countries.
Younger people are not immune – they are simply less likely to be affected.  Apparently the percentage chance of you getting an ulcer is directly related to your age – so as a rule of thumb we can assume a 1 year old has a 1% chance, while an 80 year old has an 80% chance.

Most ulcers are not dangerous, but when left too long they can cause internal bleeding. Of course massive bleeding can be fatal.

Yes, most ulcers can be cured. The treatment of ulcers will differ according to the type of ulcer you may have. If you are infected with H. pylori then we recommend you try a natural remedy.
Our Natural Health team has accumulated a wealth of information on H. pylori and have compiled an informative and essential report which contains everything you should know about H. pylori.
This information is a collection of the knowledge and experience gathered from doctors around the world treating their own patients in their own practices – and we sincerely hope this information will give you the edge in making an informed decision about your treatment……
We suggest you learn and understand more about H. pylori bacteria first, so that you can make an informed decision on the type of treatment you should take.

See your doctor BEFORE you have any symptoms
“But why should I see a doctor if there is nothing wrong with me?” – you ask? Well, to be really safe, you should ask your doctor to check you out for an H. pylori infection as this is the cause of over 80% of all stomach ulcers.
In Western countries about 20% to 30% of people under the age of 40 have the bacteria, while it infects around 50% – 60% of people over age 60. See the relation to the rule of thumb pointed out above? Note that not all people infected with H. pylori will get an ulcer – some people’s systems can tolerate the presence of H. pylori and may not be affected at all.
Painkillers and Anti-inflammatory drugs
Reduce your intake, or even better, stop taking painkillers that contain ibuprofen or aspirin for prolonged periods. Too many people take these for the tiniest of pains, not knowing they could be setting themselves up for the far worse pain that an ulcer is going to cause them!


Eat the correct foods
Although food does not cause ulcers, good nourishment is always a good idea. Statistics show that ulcers are more common amongst under nourished people. An easy to follow diet can help you become aware of the food sources that can cause an increase in acid levels.
Aim for a healthier lifestyle
Your stressful job will not cause an ulcer. Neither will an average intake of alcohol. Smoking in moderation is a bit more risky. Not one of these habits is going to really hurt you, but pushing any of these to excess (and/or a combination of these), you are setting the stage for stomach ulcers, especially if you are infected with H. pylori.
Get to know what the main causes of ulcers are, if you don’t know the causes of ulcers, you won’t know what to look out for.

First of all, any good treatment MUST work!
Second, it must work without causing any negative side effects. These should be your own minimum requirements when seeking effective treatment, but added to this should be something else that most people forget about – clinical and scientific proof.


Remember, if you want to be free from stomach ulcers, then you have to be free from H. pylori.
If you have already been trying to get rid of H. pylori or your stomach ulcer, then chances are you are visiting our site now because a treatment has failed, and you are seeking an alternative treatment that actually works.
If this describes where you are at right now, then you will be happy to learn that it is now possible to remove all traces of H. pylori from your digestive system with a single course of a clinically proven 100% natural solution. And even better, this can be done without any negative effects, or any risk to your health or your finances.

Information disclaimer

The results of a Matula Herbal Tea treatment can vary from person to person, due to various differences in the severity of the Helicobacter Pylori infection and the general health and wellbeing of each person. To read the full disclaimer please click here.