Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions about Matula Herbal Tea

A.  All the ingredients of Matula herbal tea are grown wild in various parts of Southern Africa.

Matula Herbal Tea Ingredients:

The primary constituents of this herbal tea formula are as follows:
Oleo Europaea & Oleo Africana (Scientific name)  Oleaceae (Family name)
Olive (Common name) – The Leaf of the plant are used
Clycyrrhiza Glabra (Scientific name) Fabaceae (Family name)
Liquorice (Common name) – The Root & Leaf of the plant are used
Cyclopia Intermedia (Scientific name) Fabaceae (Family name)
Honeybush (Common name) – The Leaf of the plant are used
Aspalathus Liniar (Scientific name) Fabaceae (Family name)
Rooi Bos (Common name) – The Leaf of the plant are used
Psidium Guajave (Scientific name) Myrthaceae (Family name)
Wild Guava (Common name) – The Fruit & Leaf of the plant are used
Syzygium Cordathus (Scientific name) Myrthaceae (Family name)
African Water Berry (Common name) – The Leaf of the plant are used
Tulbachia Violceae (Scientific name) Alliaceae (Family name)
Wild Garlic (Common name) – The Root and Rhizome of the plant are used

A. Matula herbal tea is to be taken for 30 days, twice a day. One cup taken before breakfast in the morning and the other at least 2 hours after dinner before going to bed.


Although you might feel a lot better after a couple of weeks, it is most important to complete the treatment course. Should you for whatever reason wish to continue taking Matula herbal tea after you have completed the 30 day treatment course, it is not a problem, as the tea is completely non-toxic. However, if you merely wish to eradicate the Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, a 30 days treatment course should be sufficient.

A. We strongly advise all pregnant and nursing mothers to consult with their doctor before starting a treatment course.  We have never had any problems with pregnant women taking the tea and taking it during breastfeeding. The tea is totally non-toxic. We however have to warn you, NO official tests have been done. We kindly suggest that you discuss it with you doctor before taking the tea.

A. If your child is under the age of 12 years, we advise you to consult with your doctor.

A. In this situation, we advise you to consult with your doctor before taking Matula herbal tea.

A. Laboratory test have proven that Matula herbal tea is less toxic than ordinary herbal tea. (see test reports here) Therefore there is no allergic reactions or contraindications with other medicines. However, if you are in doubt, please consult with your doctor or health practitioner.

A. Yes, we have experienced very good results over many years. Also successfully treated are various ailments associated with the Oesophagus, Stomach and Duodenum. Further Matula herbal tea has been used to treat Ulcerative Colitis, Non-ulcerative Dyspepsia, Dysbiosis, IBS and has shown to reduce inflammation in respect of Diverticulitis.

A. The majority of our customers have not found it necessary to take Antacid while being treated with Matula herbal tea. But if you are in doubt you should consult with your doctor.

A. No. Laboratory tests have shown that Matula herbal tea is completely non-toxic. Matula herbal tea has been taken by thousands of customers over many years and no side-effects have ever been reported. However, some customers, who also suffer from Candida Albicans overgrowth and without been aware of this, may experience symptoms which are very similar to those of Helicobacter Pylori infection.

Depending on your H. Pylori count you may have a few side-effects from H. Pylori die-off . These may be such as constipation , diarrhoea , fatigue , red skin , red skin spots , sensitivity in the mouth , headaches , insomnia , sore or burning throat , burping , nausea , stomach pain , vomiting or aches and bloating .

If the side-effects become overwhelming , stop the tea for three to four days and then resume taking the tea .

A. We would suggest is that you purchase one box of tea after having either a GI-Map ( it will have a reading of greater than > 1.00e3 ) or a HPSA test ( It will have a positive reading ) – that will determine the level of H. Pylori in your body.

A. The ingredients of Matula Tea are wild harvested from different areas in Southern Africa and are totally organic , non-toxic and caffeine free . The ingredients are sun dried before being sent to a FDA registered factory . The tea is not steamed, as such process may reduce the efficacy of the tea. Nor does it come into contact with any water . It is therefore sterilized in a large rotary dryer for two hours at the temperature of 80/85 Celsius  , before being packaged . Thereafter the herb blend is packed into standard tea sachet, which is further packed into a protective foil bag. The final processing and packaging is carried out by an accredited manufacturing company, which is registered by the FDA and further enjoys USDA NOP production standards certification, SGS organic production standards certification and is also HACCP registered.

A. The main reason is that the absorption of the active ingredients from a liquid is far greater ( 2 to 3 times ) than from a tablet/capsule. In addition, a liquid can more easily reach, cover and saturate the infected area of the stomach lining, thus allowing sufficient time to eliminate the H. Pylori bacteria.

A.We strongly recommend that you take two cups of Matula herbal tea per day for a continuous period of 30 days . We would suggest that when making the tea , pour 150 – 200ml ( 4 – 7 fluid oz ) of boiling water  in a cup with a bag of Matula Tea , try and steep it for 15 – 20 minutes – too try and get the strongest mixture from the tea bag . With each sip , swirl the tea around your mouth a bit before swallowing . A large percentage of H. Pylori may be found in the mouth and dental spaces.

Take a cup of tea in the morning and take a cup of tea in the evening .

Do not use a microwave oven to boil the water for the tea or to reheat the tea  .

Do not take any liquids , supplements  or food for an hour either side of taking the tea .

You can if you wish take two used tea bags and make a third cup ( which would be slightly weaker) and take it in the middle of the day.

A. No, we are ethically committed to always refer you to your medical doctor for medical advice for any ailment. If you are unsure about your doctor’s advice and opinion, then you can seek a second opinion from a doctor, who practices holistic or complementary and alternative, such as a naturopath.


Preparing and taking the tea

A. No. Laboratory tests have shown that Matula herbal tea is completely non-toxic. Matula herbal tea has been taken by thousands of customers over many years and no side-effects have ever been reported. However, some customers, who also suffer from Candida Albicans overgrowth and without been aware of this, may experience symptoms which are very similar to those of Helicobacter Pylori infection.

Depending on your H. Pylori count you may have a few side-effects from H. Pylori die off . These may be such as constipation , diarrhoea , fatigue , red skin , red skin spots , sensitivity in the mouth , headaches , insomnia , sore or burning throat , burping , nausea , stomach pain , adrenaline rushes , vomiting or aches and bloating .

If the side-effects become overwhelming , stop the tea for three to four days and then resume taking the tea .

A. The H. Pylori Stool Antigen test ( HPSA) is very accurate and reasonably priced. This test is strongly recommended by us and most experienced medical practitioners or you can use the GI Map test which will give a more detailed reading ( to keep the costs down , just have the H. Pylori tested unless you wish to know the  readings on other tests set out on the GI Map test list ) .

A. The ingredients of Matula Tea are wild harvested from different areas in Southern Africa and are totally organic , non-toxic and caffeine free . The ingredients are sun dried after picking . When dry the herbs are blended in a specific ratio and then milled  before being sent to a FDA registered factory . The tea is not steamed, as such process may reduce the efficacy of the tea. Nor does it come into contact with any water .

It is therefore sterilized in a large rotary dryer for two hours at the temperature of 80/85 Celsius  , before being packaged . This process will ensure that any form of bacteria and fungi will be eliminated . Thereafter the herbs blend is packed into standard tea sachet, which is further packed into a protective foil bag. The final processing and packaging is carried out by an accredited manufacturing company, which is registered by the FDA and further enjoys USDA NOP production standards certification, SGS organic production standards certification and is also HACCP registered.

A. We strongly recommend that you take two cups of Matula herbal tea per day for a continuous period of 30 days.

We would suggest that when making the tea , pour 150 – 200ml ( 4 – 7 fluid oz ) of boiling water  in a cup with a bag of Matula Tea , try and steep it for 15 – 20 minutes – too try and get the strongest mixture from the tea bag . With each sip , swirl the tea around your mouth a bit before swallowing . A large percentage of H. Pylori may be found in the mouth and dental spaces.

Take a cup of tea in the morning and take a cup of tea in the evening .

Do not use a microwave oven to boil the water for the tea or to reheat the tea  .

Do not take any liquids , probiotics , supplements , vitamins  or food for an hour either side of taking the tea .

Do not take any antibiotics or vaccines while on the course of tea as this affects the efficacy of the tea .

Start taking a probiotic at the beginning of week two of your course of tea . If you are already taking a probiotic , then continue taking it .

Use a new toothbrush .

Please be careful to wash vegetables and fruit thoroughly before eating .

You can if you wish take two used tea bags and make a third cup ( which would be slightly weaker) and take it in the middle of the day.

Depending on your H. Pylori count you may have a few side-effects from H. Pylori die off . These may be such as constipation , diarrhoea , fatigue , red skin , red skin spots , sensitivity in the mouth , headaches , insomnia , sore or burning throat , burping , nausea , stomach pain , adrenaline rushes , vomiting or aches and bloating .

If the side-effects become overwhelming , stop the tea for three to four days and then resume taking the tea .

It may take 2-8 weeks and in severe cases sometimes longer for the H. Pylori to be flushed from the body , that is why it is important to remember to wait 30-45 days to be retested after completing the course of tea . A HPSA or GI Map test cannot determine the difference between dead, dying and live H. Pylori . An earlier test may give you a false positive or a false negative .

We have added a link to the site which may be of interest to you

A. We have not conducted laboratory tests to establish if Mastic Gum reduces the efficacy of Matula Tea . However numerous customers of ours  have taken the two together and found that Mastic Gum negatively effects the rate  of eradication of H. Pylori. They much prefer to take Matula Tea on its own.

We know that Matula Tea reduces  stomach acid and some of our customers believe that Mastic Gum  does likewise. We don’t know if it is to the same extent.

We may also say, why take the two together, when Matula Tea has , over  a period of some 14 years, shown a rate of eradication of H. Pylori   in excess of 98% on its own … and we offer a guarantee .

Taking Matula Tea and Mastic gum together does not result in failure of the course of tea . If mastic gum is taken , please take them at different times, morning and night, and at least 1 hour apart. They both lower the acid level in your stomach.

A. The signs of gastritis , nausea and bloating are all symptoms of H. Pylori . When the tea starts to kill of the H. Pylori bacteria these symptoms may be exacerbated by dead and dying H. Pylori .

If the side-effects become overwhelming , stop the tea for three to four days and then resume taking the tea .

To deal with the nausea , we would suggest that you try and follow these guidelines : avoid fatty and spicy foods , stay upright for 30 – 60 minutes after having a meal and stay hydrated but avoid drinking with meals .

Queries in Respect of Payment, Orders and Website


Whilst taking Matula Tea

A. We suggest that you start with a good probiotic at the beginning of week two of your tea course.

A. As Matula Tea eradicates the H. Pylori bacteria and Toxins, which may sometimes lead to bloating. Matula itself will not cause bloating. Please also check your P.H., as you might be too alkaline, which slows down digestion and often causes bloating. If it becomes uncomfortable we suggest stopping the tea for two to three days and then continue taking the tea.

A.We advise that you only start the Matula Tea course 10-14 days once you have completed a course of antibiotics . As the tea is organic any antibiotic will reduce the efficacy of the tea.

A. To build up the acid in your stomach we suggest either of the following products a) Solgar – Betaine Hydrochloride with Pepsin or b) Solal – Betaine Hydrochloride . Follow directions as labelled on the product.

A. It should be fine to take the Pantoprazole after taking Matula tea- preferably  1 hour after. You will also find that Matula Tea will reduce Reflux.

A.We have not conducted laboratory tests to establish if Mastic Gum reduces the efficacy of Matula Tea . However numerous customers of ours  have taken the two together and found that Mastic Gum negatively effects the rate  of eradication of H. Pylori. They much prefer to take Matula Tea on its own. We know that Matula Tea reduces  stomach acid and some of our customers believe that Mastic Gum  does likewise. We don’t know if it is to the same extent. We may also say, why take the two together, when Matula Tea has , over  a period of some 17 years, shown a rate of eradication of H. Pylori   in excess of 98% on its own … and we offer a guarantee .

Taking Matula Tea and Mastic gum together does not result in failure of the course of tea . If mastic gum is taken , please take them at different times, morning and night, and at least 1 hour apart. They both lower the acid level in your stomach.

A. The tea may appear to be weak , because it is green and unfermented . We would suggest that when making the tea , pour 150 – 200ml ( 4 – 7 fluid oz ) of boiling water  in a cup with a bag of Matula Tea , try and steep it for 15 – 20 minutes – too try and get the strongest mixture from the tea bag .

A. Matula indeed helps fighting Vaginosis ( caused by Candida Albicans). For instant relief, some clients make a strong tea ( two sachets of tea to a cup of boiling water) and dip a piece of cotton wool in the  cooled down tea and apply the tea to the infected areas.

A.  It is not unusual to get stomach pain while taking Matula tea. Generally the reason is that Matula causes removal of toxins as well as Candida Albicans  ( fungus infection) and H.  Pylori .This process may cause pain. If the pain is too intense then we suggest you stop the treatment for 3 to 4 days and then carry on and complete. Please do note that  Matula is totally non-toxic and cannot cause you harm.


Questions About Cancelled and Returned Orders

Q What is your policy on cancellations and returns?

A. Our policy for cancelled orders and returned orders.

These policies are effective as from the time of receipt of your order.

1. Refusal of delivery by customer: The returned item will be subject to the purchaser paying the full sent and returned shipping costs . After our receipt of the returned tea in good order, the purchaser will be refunded the balance due and will be informed by email.

2.Our refunds policy: All refunds will be paid via PayPal only. We do not refund shipping . Due to legislation, refunds may only be paid back to the source of the payment (

3. Return time: Should you wish to claim, we would need evidence from you by way of a document from the courier company, clearly showing the date of receipt. After receipt of the tea, the purchaser has 14 days to return an unopened, unused box of tea, which will be subject to the purchaser paying the full sent and returned shipping costs. After our receipt of the returned tea in good order, the purchaser will be refunded the balance due and will be informed by email.

4. Cancellation of your order:

  • As we endeavor to ship orders out between 6 – 24 hours after receipt, any order cancelled after the 6 hour period will be considered as shipped, If the order has shipped , we After cancellation it will be a mandatory requirement that the parcel is refused on delivery.
  • If the order has been shipped after cancellation it will be a mandatory requirement that the parcel is refused on delivery.
  • Should you not accept delivery of the parcel then you shall be liable for full sent and returned shipping costs.

5. When special import permits are required: In very few  countries, for example Indonesia, a purchaser  of tea and other beverages is sometimes  required by the authorities  to obtain a special  import permit or approval from the local FDA  or some other request.  In such cases it up to the importer/purchaser to obtain such permit at his cost. Should permission not be granted and the tea is returned to us by the courier, then the purchaser will receive a refund of the box of tea less return shipping costs .

Please note we do not ship to certain countries as listed on the purchase page , If you place an order to one of those countries we do not ship to , your order will be refunded in full .

6. If your address or telephone number, submitted to us is incorrect: In such a case we will be notified by the courier company and we will request the purchaser by email to furnish us with the correct shipping address and/or telephone number . Additional shipping and handling costs will be for the purchaser’s account.


Queries in Respect of Payment, Orders and Website

A. If you are using AOL, Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, you might not receive a reply from us due to very limited function of your email account.

All enquiries are answered by us within 24 hours of receipt during week days. Weekends may take up to 36 hours .

 It is well known that above accounts do not allow receipt of messages which include attachments or links to other websites, which our replies do.

 In order to avoid any such problems, please use different email accounts, not the ones shown above. In addition it is also important to white list us.

On dispatch an automated email is sent out with your tracking number . If you do not receive the tracking number within 48 hours after placing your order , please check your junk mail folder . Orders placed after our shipping agents have collected on a Friday will only be processed on the following Monday . We do not dispatch orders over weekends .

Please CONTACT US, if you experience the following:

  • You experience difficulties in completing payments
  • You are not able to complete the order process
  • You have by mistake duplicated your order

Please do not use this form

  • If you wish to change your shipping address –click here
  • If you wish to cancel your order please complete the contact form with details as to why you wish to cancel the order – Click here

A. You can view our website on any browser and all types of computers, tablets and mobile phones.

A. If you don’t enter your name exactly as it is shown on your credit card or debit card, that is a problem. It is very important that you use the same case, capital or lower case, as on your card. Further also check that you enter all the details required by PayPal.


Should you still be unable to complete your transaction with PayPal, please click on the link to contact Paypal

A friendly operator will be able to assist you during these opening hours: Monday through Friday: 4.00 am to 10.00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: 6.00am to 8.00pm.

A.You may use your VISA or Mastercard debit or credit card as a PayPal guest . On the PayPal page scroll down taking the option further down the page as a PayPal guest using your credit card or debit card .

Fill in your credit or debit card details , shipping address , telephone number and choose your country from the PayPal list .

Click on Complete Order .On completion of the order you will receive an email with a five digit order number.

You will then ,when the parcel is dispatched usually after 24 hours , receive an automated email with your waybill number for tracking purposes.

A. Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button , add to the cart the quantity needed . Click on ADD TO CART . Click on the CART at the top of the page . A new window will open and click CHECKOUT at the bottom of the page . You will then be automatically be connected to the PayPal online payment process. Carefully follow the instructions and complete all the information required by PayPal – Please check that the shipping address is correct . Once completed , then please press the “Process Order Now” button and your order will be processed. Shortly thereafter PayPal will email you ( and us) an order confirmation and we will then email a receipt of order with a five digit order number . Please contact us if those details are incorrect .

A. We generally ship between 6-24 hours after receipt of order except on weekends , but a maximum after 2 business days. The only exception to this will be if we are waiting for additional information from our customers or if we have a public holiday in the country from which we ship.

A. Depending on where you live in the world, the shipping time is usually between 5 – 7 working days. We ship from South Africa to your shipping address using the following shipping agents  DHL , FedEx or Aramex .the most reliably and fastest way- by courier service.

A.Once the order has been processed you will receive an email with the tracking details . If you fail to receive this email after 48 hours after placing your order ( Longer if an order is placed on a Friday afternoon or weekend ) , please check your junk mail folder .  This tracking facility, which means that you or we can anytime establish the exact whereabouts of the parcel:

Delays can happen if the parcel is retained for inspection by the customs department in the country of destination. As our product is a pure herbal unfermented tea, it has for many years been accepted by customs worldwide.

A. The reason for this problem is that some internet service providers, like AOL, Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo, block certain incoming emails as spam or junk mail. You might not receive a reply from us due to very limited function of your email account.


All enquiries are answered by us within 24 hours of receipt during week days. It is well known that above accounts do not allow receipt of messages which include attachments or links to other websites, which our replies do.

In order to avoid any such problems, please use different email accounts, not the ones shown above.

A. Yes we do. Our well trained and helpful service team are always ready and happy to help you with your questions and all questions and enquiries are promptly answered by email.

A. No. We are only able to accept orders through PayPal ( see following question).

A. It is of utmost importance that you enter your name exactly as it is shown on your credit/debit card. Please ensure that you use same case as on the card, Capital or lower case. A further problem arises if you do not enter all details as requested by PayPal. Please double check such details. Should you still experience problems, please contact PayPal for assistance.

Information disclaimer

The results of a Matula Herbal Tea treatment can vary from person to person, due to various differences in the severity of the Helicobacter Pylori infection and the general health and wellbeing of each person. To read the full disclaimer please click here.